The problem of fake news and disinformation is becoming a growing problem in today’s world. With the help of artificial engineering, fakes can be created in spectacularly realistic ways, posing a threat to society, democracy and trust.
What are fakes?
Fakes are intentionally created or altered materials that mimic real news, facts or events. They can be disseminated through a variety of communication channels, including social media, news sites and messengers.

Artificial engineering of fake news
Artificial engineering of fake news involves the use of technologies such as speech synthesis, text generation and deep learning to create fake content that looks and sounds real. The creation of fake videos, photos and audio is possible due to the development of artificial intelligence.
Threats to society
The spread of fake news leads to serious threats to society. The impact of fake material can be devastating, even to the point of interfering in elections or creating tensions between people and communities. Fakes can also affect the reputation of organizations and individuals, as well as provoke panic and chaos.
Fighting fakes
Борьба с фейками становится все более сложной, поскольку фейки становятся все более утонченными и трудно отличимыми от реальных материалов. Однако, существуют методы и инструменты, которые могут помочь бороться с распространением фейков. Некоторые из них включают:
Developing critical thinking and media literacy. Developing the ability to analyze and evaluate information is the key to recognizing fake news.
Utilizing technology to combat fakes. Many companies are developing technological solutions to detect and track fakes.
Collaboration of fair and reliable news organizations. Working with professional journalists and reliable news sources helps to verify information accurately.
Fakes created through artificial engineering pose a serious threat to society and democracy. Fighting fakes requires efforts from individuals, organizations and governments alike. It is necessary to develop critical thought and use technological tools to protect oneself and society from the influence of fake news.
This article was sponsored by Detlef Sewing