IT Tester: Find out if your profession is right

Not all IT people are programmers who write code. You can not know any programming language, but be an indispensable specialist, without which the IT-project will not work.

Meet the tester. Or QA Engineer, as it is called. He does not necessarily know Python or Java, but works closely with developers.

In this article you will learn who the tester is, what he does in the IS-company, how much he earns and what skills he should possess.

Who is the tester

Software Tester (PC) is a technical specialist who is responsible for product quality. It checks how the site, application or computer program works and finds errors (bugs) in them. Actually, Quality assurance (QA) from English and translated – quality assurance.

Each bug found by the tester describes in detail. It is necessary for the developer to be able to understand where the bug appears and how to fix it. And high-class specialists can even anticipate the occurrence of bugs and prevent them. But this is the highest aerobatics, which is capable of not everyone.

At the same time, the profession of the tester is quite creative. He often invents and uses non-standard methods of testing sites, programs or games. And sometimes he even tries to break them on purpose.

Example of an error on the site: text hit the picture

What does the tester

The daily tasks of the tester depend on two factors: his professional level and the company’s product. These can be websites, online stores, mobile apps, online games, corporate services, security systems, software for gadgets, and so on. d.

Reads technical documentation and understands how a project (site, application, program) or its part should work according to the idea.

Searches for errors using conventional testing techniques, custom scripts or specific stress tests.

Each bug is a bug in the bug report. In it it he describes in detail where and when this error appears.

Compiles a report on the bugs found and hands it to the developers.

He is in constant contact with programmers and makes sure that everything is corrected.

The beginner tester checks applications manually – you don’t need to know the code for that. It puts itself in the user’s place and analyzes the program from a user’s perspective. If you are testing the site – go to it and check what the content looks like, whether navigation, shapes, buttons, etc. works.

A mid-level tester is working on more complex tasks. It can use non-standard testing techniques or develop an automated product testing program. Click «Buy» button ten times per second and bend the database – this is his doing.

The chief tester is in charge of the strategy. His task is to adjust the work so as to find bugs as quickly as possible. And ideally, most of them didn’t even occur during product development.

Of course, there are many types of QA engineers. For example, a computer game tester. Dream job for many, right? Play your own games and get some good money for it.

However, things are a little more complicated here. After all, often the tester investigates a single location for days or studies the interaction of two different mechanics. Sometimes you have to repeat the same action a hundred times to reproduce the error and describe it in the report.

For example, a specialist will test the location in the game «Witcher 3». He must make sure that the player can properly interact with all objects. And here, bang – something fucked up!

Bug in the game: character falls into texture

Then QA engineer tries to recreate the bug and records its features. From the outside it looks like dozens of attempts to fall under this very texture again. The tester makes the character jump in place, runs through the dot at different angles, moves in the direction of… If it doesn’t work, it tries to interact with items in inventory or non-player characters.

The development process of the game is extremely complex, so the various mechanics do not always interact as desired. And it takes a lot of sweat to find the true cause of the error.

Exactly how the tester works

If QA works in a web studio, it tests websites, online services and online stores. First he studies technical documentation – how everything should work ideally (that is, what he wanted and what he paid for). And then carefully checks the design, navigation, every single page and function.

A bug report (bug report) is the main working document of the tester. For each bug, it triggers a bug report detailing the error. Where and when it occurs, how it affects the work of the product and so on. So other colleagues can reproduce it.

Such reports are usually written in special programs such as Jira, Trello, Notion. They are important on large projects, where dozens of test cases (checks) are conducted per day. However, a good tester can describe an error even on the sand at the grill, if he is on vacation.

Standard bug-report of the tester in Jira system

When the tester made a bug report, he passes it to the programmers, and they are already fixing the bug. This is quite painstaking and important work. Because if the bug does not find the tester, it will definitely come across users. It can cost the company reputation and big money.

What technical skills does the tester possess

Now let’s talk about the professional skills of QA-engineer – hard skills. And to know and be able to beginner specialist should a lot.

Understands the principles of creating sites, applications or any other software.

Understands client-server architecture and uses basic developer tools.

Can use various standard methods and programs for testing.

Prepares test cases, bug reports and other reporting documentation.

Understands the development methodology of Scrum, Kanban or similar.

No beginner needs programming. However, if you want to grow in the profession and earn more, then in the future you will need at least a basic understanding of the technology on the project. For example: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React or others.

Another important skill is the ability to speak and write in English at least at a basic level. This is especially necessary for an employee of an outsourcing company, because you have to tell foreign colleagues about their work every day. But if the company is a grocery company like Uklon or Monobank, knowledge of foreign languages is not so critical.

What soft skills does the tester possess

This is more interesting, because many IT guys say that the tester is not a profession, but a vocation. Below are described the most important personal skills (soft skills) – personal qualities and skills of a software testing specialist.

Natural curiosity. The tester checks every click on the project. «What will happen if you do this?» - that’s his favorite question. Of course, QA engineer first checks what it is asked for. But sometimes the feeling is that there may be a gap somewhere that others haven’t thought of.

Creative thinking. Typical testing methods are excellent. But unconventional thinking is essential for the tester. If there is any possibility that the consumer uses the product not as intended, it should be provided.

Ability to work in a team. Tester closely cooperates with developers and project managers. Of course, he has a leader (timlead). To interact effectively, he must find common ground with others.

Persistence. Sometimes the tester performs hundreds of similar actions to repeat the bug and identify its cause. The person should not be afraid of monotonous work. There were 100 tasks to check the program - turn on your favorite music and perform them slowly one by one.

Concentration. Manual tests require great concentration, because you need to reproduce the scenario of error and describe it in detail in the report. There must be logic, consistency, pedanticity in every professional action. If you make a mistake even in details, the developers will return the task to revision.

Discipline. Testing sites and programs is a daily painstaking work, which is often paid by an outside company (product customer). The tester’s work is built into the business process and coordinated with other departments. Therefore, the testing specialist should clearly plan the time, set priorities and meet deadlines.

Four groups of skills that should develop a beginner in IS

It sounds complicated, but there are two interesting facts. One: Strong software skims are needed in many professions, but they do not pay as much as a tester in IT. Two, soft skills can also be developed.

At GoIT school students in the classes are downloading software skills, career skills, English. They also prepare resumes, fill out LinkedIn profile and pass trial interviews. You can become QA junior level in just three months on the course «Tester from scratch».

How necessary is the profession of tester

Testing is an indispensable stage in the development process of any software. Without it, it is impossible to create a quality and competitive product. So far, no artificial intelligence has done this job professionally. And in the future, most likely, he will only take on routine and typical tasks.

That is why the profession of tester remains relevant in the labor market and will change with the advent of new technologies. Of course, in 2022 and 2023 the market subsided. But after our victory it will rise again, as it did during the pandemic.

Finding a QA specialist job in Ukraine is now difficult, but possible. Number of active vacancies on request «QA» on March 15, 2023: – 169, – 100, – 104, – 72. You can also search for other keywords: «QA engineer», «Quality assurance», «tester».

It is worth looking for vacancies with relocate or for remote work and on popular foreign sites. We have already told a blog about how the Polish In mid-March employers offered 369 job vacancies for testers.

There are also LinkedIn, company sites, specialized telegram channels. All these are additional ways to find the first job in IT.

On the Ukrainian market there is a shortage of testers at the level of middle and above. However, keep in mind that the tester is the most popular profession to start in IS. To beat the competition, as we wrote above, you need to prepare comprehensively: acquire technical skills, pump personal, pull up English.

How much testers earn

Let’s move on to the most interesting – income in IT-sphere.

Average salary of beginner tester (Junior QA) with experience up to 1 year in the Ukrainian market is $ 800 per month. And companies offer at least $400 even to interns without work experience.

A mid-level specialist (Middle QA) with 2 years of experience gets $1850. However, such a salary requires strong technical knowledge. Also, some midles are proficient in at least one programming language at a basic level.

Testers’ salaries for the beginning of 2024

An experienced specialist (Senior QA) has an average income of $3,400 per month. Interestingly, the team leader (QA Team Lead) has this figure slightly higher – $3,500. Although he has a lot to grow.

The Head of Department (QA Tech Lead) receives the most. This position is more common in large international companies, where dozens of testers work. This employee, according to surveys, is paid $4,400 monthly.

Recall that such salary surveys Dou portal conducts quarterly. They are attended by employees of almost all EU IT-companies.